Cette section est réservée aux membres du RQD

Classe de maître – Vidéo-danse avec Katrina McPherson

10h00 à 16h00
50$/jour membres — 100$/jour non-membres

Maison pour la danse, Québec


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Cet atelier s’adresse à tout public s’intéressant au processus de création cinématographique.
☞ Matériel requis : une caméra vidéo  (celle de votre téléphone portable fait bien l’affaire!) et des vêtements dans lesquels vous pouvez bouger librement


Internationally renowned screendance artist and teacher Katrina McPherson will lead a 2-day workshop on creating dance for the screen. With the focus on using improvisation to develop dance for the camera, Katrina will lead participants through movement-based, practical exercises, as well as more reflective viewing-based tasks, designed to encourage exploration, experimentation and awareness of the form. Open to participants of any ability or experience.


As director, performer, cameraperson and scholar, Katrina McPherson’s 30-year artistic practice is informed by her background in dance and video art, as well as her wide experience as a director of arts programmes for television. Katrina’s collaborative works include the recent Paysages Mixtes | Mixed Landscapes, made with Quebec’s Harold Rhéaume, we record ourselves (2016), The Time It Takes (2012), and ground-breaking screendance works such as Moment (1999) and Pace (1995). Katrina is an experienced lecturer and workshop leader and has taught extensively worldwide. The new edition of her book Making Video Dance by Katrina McPherson was published by Routledge in 2019. She is an Associate Artist at Dance Base in Edinburgh and a Dance North Scotland Artist.