Dancers: Procedure for dealing with the CNESST

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What to do in case of injury:
- Immediately inform the professor, trainer or person responsible for the training activity.
- See a doctor on the same day and tell him that it is a work-related injury or accident. The doctor will provide you with a medical certificate.
- Contact the RQD to inform them about your situation.
- Call the CNESST to find out which clinics are authorized to handle CNESST cases.
If you have medical expenses (physiotherapy, acupuncture, medication, orthosis, etc.) or travel expenses (taxi, bus, etc.), make sure that they have been prescribed by your doctor in order to obtain reimbursement from the CNESST.
Ambulance transportation to a hospital will be reimbursed by the CALQ.cupuncture, médicaments, orthèses, etc.) ou vous déplacer (taxi, autobus, etc.), assurez-vous qu’ils aient été prescrits par votre médecin afin d’obtenir un remboursement de la CNESST.
What should I do if my physician is on vacation or not available to see me?
If an injury or accident occurs while rehearsing, performing, touring or training, but your regular doctor is unable to see you quickly, no need to worry! You can consult a physician at a walk-in clinic or go to a hospital. Let the physician know that your injury was the result of a work accident and that you require a medical certificate. You must send this certificate with your claim to the CNESST.
Once that is done, schedule an appointment with your family physician, who will become your attending physician with the CNESST. This physician will have a key role to play in your recovery process. Your attending physician will provide a diagnosis for the injury you sustained, recommend the proper treatment so that you can get back on your feet quickly, and determine the consolidation date (recovery) for your injury. They will also update you on your condition and your ability to return to work. It is important to establish a relationship of trust with your attending physician. This will protect you from any undue pressure, for example from your employer or the CNESST, for the duration of your rehabilitation.
Find out more
What you need to know in the event of an accident or an occupational disease (in FR) (CNESST)
How much time do I have to file a claim with the CNESST?
In order to be reimbursed for treatment or receive compensation from the CNESST, the worker must file a claim within six months of the accident date or the onset of the professional injury. But beware! The longer the worker waits to file the claim, the more likely it is that the CNESST will deny the claim.
We know that dancers are resilient, but they often wait too long to seek medical attention and inform the employer of the seriousness of an injury. For that reason, it is important to notify the employer or their representative as soon as possible when an incident occurs, even if the dancer does not require immediate medical care. The date and description of the event are recorded in a register of injuries, which the employer, by law, is required to keep. Recording an event in the Register of Accidents, Incidents and First Aid could serve as evidence that the injury did occur on or about the course of work three months earlier. In this case, the worker could have access to treatment and compensation for his recovery.
Find out more
Worker’s claim (CNESST)
Register of Accidents, Incidents and First Aid (CNESST)
Examples of registers of incidents and professional injuries in the performance arts, prepared by the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et sécurité du travail (IRSST), are also available on request from the RQD.
Updated in February 2021