Download the PDF version of the graphic story.
Read the press release of the unveiling of graphic story.
Consult the Trousse de prévention du harcèlement et autres violences en danse (French only).

© Sarah Arnal
Sarah Arnal
Illustrator, teacher, printmaker and graphic novelist, Sarah Arnal lives in Québec City and currently works at the junction of social sciences and graphic arts. A graduate of the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris, she also directed the print publishing division of the École Supérieure d’Arts et de Design de Saint-Étienne. Among others, she illustrated La première fleur du pays sans arbres, a graphic novel written by Julien Lacombe and published by Les Requins Marteaux editors.
Regroupement québécois de la danse
The RQD brings together and represents individuals and professional organizations working in dance, with the aim of promoting the advancement and visibility of choreographic art and contributing to the improvement of conditions for the practice of dance.
To develop greater individual and collective sensitivity to harassment situations and ensure healthy learning and work environments, the RQD is committed to promoting ethics in professional relationships within the professional dance community. Among other initiatives, the organization hired a professional relations officer from February 2018 to June 2019, published articles in its newsletter and press wire, invited artists to express themselves on sexism and the #Metoo movement and produced a harassment prevention kit.