Membership Categories

The RQD has proudly represented dance professionals in Québec for over 30 years! Whether you are an artist, a teacher, a cultural worker or a designer, or if you represent a non-profit organization, an association or a network, the RQD is here for you!

Quickly find the membership category and fee that reflects your situation in the grids below.

For further information on eligibility criteria and on mandatory documentation to include with your membership application, please refer to the Membership Policy.
Vous pouvez également lire la Politique d’adhésion du RQD en français.
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Photo credit, from left to right: 1. Myriam Allard in MAGNETIKAE by La Otra Orilla © Marie-Andrée Lemire | 2. David Campbell, Philippe Meunier, Olivier Rousseau, Antoine Turmine and Ian Yaworski in Frictions by Philippe Meunier and Ian Yaworski, Les Archipels © Denis Martin | 3. Nindy Banks in Papillon by Helen Simard © Do Phan Hoi | 4. Charo Foo Tai Wei © Alfonso Bonilla| 5. EMMAC Terre marine by and with Emmanuelle Calvé © Frédérik Duchesne | 6. Catherine Dumais © Olivia Kopec