Understanding issues of inclusion and cultural appropriation in the arts – RQD
Become an ally in the effort to foster a thriving artistic and cultural ecosystem founded on fairness and inclusion
Prior registration required (deadline: June 3)
There are only a few spots left for the first group. Register for the second group on June 15 and 16!
Issues of inclusion and cultural appropriation continue to fuel debate within the artistic community. They are frequent sources of misunderstanding arising from misconceptions or lack of awareness of the subject, and they highlight the considerable challenges posed by diversity, intellectual property and freedom of expression.
As artists and cultural workers, we all need tools with which to reflect upon and analyze these key issues so that we can bring a critical and informed perspective to bear on our artistic approaches, hiring methods, and audience development practices.
Drawing on historical review, references and situation scenarios, this cross-sectoral training activity offers participants a basis for shared reflection, to go along with tools with which to analyze their practices and come up with solutions – even concrete procedures – that can be applied to their work or established within their organization in order to promote inclusion and equity.
Learning objectives
- Identify and recognize issues related to inclusion and cultural appropriation in the arts sector, and understand their impact on professional practices.
- Examine the thought processes, behaviours and practices that give rise to exclusion and cultural appropriation.
- Identify what promotes inclusion and the recognition of contributions made by indigenous cultures.
- Acquire reflection and analysis tools and use them to bring a critical perspective to bear on your approach, then develop the proper professional practices in regards to these issues.
The same training activity is offered twice, online via the Zoom platform. Select the group that best suits your availability.
- Group #1 (20 places)
Wednesday, June 8 and Thursday, June 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Group #2 (20 places)
Wednesday, June 15 and Thursday, June 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Who can benefit from this training?
Artists, cultural workers and managers across all artistic disciplines. Available places will be shared between members of the RQD, En Piste, the RCAAQ, REPAIRE, the RCQ and IQ.
Prior Registration and Pre-Payment Required
- Fill out our registration form no later than June 3.
- Fill out your Services Québec Participant form and make your payment.
- Once you have completed your participant form and made your payment, you will receive the Zoom link to participate in the training.
Check your eligibility for the subsidized rate
Marie-Hélène Roy is an intercultural relations consultant trained in social work and cultural activities coordination. She draws on values of fairness and justice to raise awareness of intercultural issues among various actors and help promote diversity. She is interested in the notion of cultural appropriation, and in the concept of privilege. Her focus is on sparking dialogue and raising awareness of sensitive issues, in a spirit of openness and empathy.
This training activity is offered by the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD), in collaboration with En Piste – Regroupement national des arts du cirque, the Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ), the Regroupement de pairs des arts indépendants de recherche et d’expérimentation (Repaire), the Regroupement du conte au Québec (RCQ), and Illustration Québec (IQ). It is made possible thanks to financial support from Emploi-Québec and Compétence Culture, the sectoral workforce committee for culture, and with support from the Conseil de la formation continue Arts et culture de l’Île-de-Montréal.