Cette section est réservée aux membres du RQD

Taxes for Self-Employed Dance Artists and Cultural Workers

9:30AM to 4:30PM
60$ - (actuel value: 500$)

Regroupement québécois de la danse, 3680 Jeanne-Mance Street, #440, Montreal


Attend to your income tax with more serenity.

Advance registration required (deadline: January 26, 2023)

Offered in French only

Whether you are a choreographer, dance or cultural work, untangle income tax for self-employed workers. Learn the basics of accounting, review your taxable earnings and deductible expenses. Get the right tools to both fulfill your financial obligations and benefit from the tax deductions you are eligible for.


Learning Objectives

  • Know basic accounting principles as they apply to being self-employed, such as different forms of legal incorporation, fiscal years, earning, expenses, capital expenses versus regular expenses, reasonable hope for profit, GST and PST calculations, copyrights, etc.
  • Develop a better process or improve on your existing financial management process.
  • Recognize tax rules for declaring income and expenses as a self-employed worker.
  • Improve your capacity to declare your income tax by yourself or better communicate relevant information to your accountant.


Two Day Course: February 2 and 3, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Who should attend this training?

Independent dance artists and cultural workers who are self-employed.



Guerlane Noël © Kant Photo Studio

 © Kant Photo Studio

Guerlane Noël is Director, Tax and Estate Planning for Quebec at Mackenzie Placements. She is a chartered professional accountant and a certified general accountant (CPA, CGA) in Quebec. She received her degree in tax from HEC Montreal. Currently, amongst other projects, she is completing masters in tax law, also at HEC Montreal. She is a member of the Association de planification fiscal and financière and of the Canadian Tax Foundation.


Advance registration and payment required

  1. Fill out our registration form by January 26, 2023, at the latest.
  2. Fill out your Services Quebec participant profile and pay via Interac before presenting yourself to trainingthe course.

> Check if you qualify for the subsidized fee


This training, developed by the Conseil québécois de la musique, is offered by the Regroupement québécois de la danse and is made possible through financial support from the Gouvernement du Québec and Compétence Culture, comité sectoriel de main-d’œuvre en culture.