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Speak up! about HR with La tête chercheuse

12:00PM to 1:00PM



The Regroupement québécois de la danse is organizing a virtual conference to equip and advise dance organizations and professionals in recruiting and retaining talent in the current economic context. Specialized in human ressources and very familiar with the reality of the cultural sector, the firm La tête chercheuse will share valuable tips and answer your questions.

All dance organizations and individuals, members and non-members are welcome. Attendance is free, pre-registration is required.

If you require a simultaneous English translation or ASL interpretation, please complete the following form by no later than Wednesday, May 18.


Annie Bissonnette

Annie is approachable and happy-go-lucky. Having spent ten (10) years honing her craft at Videotron, one of Quebec’s most-liked brands, Annie is also performance-oriented and incredibly driven. If you ask her, inside every problem is an opportunity. She attributes her openness and creativity in great part to the many successful and award-winning advertising campaigns she has led as the Brand Director at Videotron.

With a bachelor’s in Communication from Université de Montréal and a certificate in Marketing Management from HEC, Annie has followed a career that goes hand in hand with her education. With a solid background in marketing, communications, and sales, she has a clear vision of the industry and can appreciate both the client’s needs and the candidate’s expectations.

A team asset since 2015, Annie quickly grasps the strengths and motivations of the people around her. Insightful, big-hearted, and optimistic are just a few words that best describe Annie.

A partner since 2018, nothing can stop her and in June 2019 she became co-president of La tête chercheuse, thereby transforming her commitment into entrepreneurship. Her fields of action: mandates in talent acquisition of general manager and executive roles, influencing the organization, overseeing the employee-candidate-client experience and contributing to the evolution of the brand and the growth of the service offer, more particularly the talent development component.

Her philosophy: you take control of your life when believing in yourself and being guided by a series of opportunities. Life will certainly be good for you. This is a belief that she transmits daily.


Marie-Michèle Venne

Having completed a bachelor’s degree in business administration from UQAM, Marie-Michèle began her career in 2001 in the retail industry. Thanks to exposure to the diverse roles, she quickly developed a diversified knowledge and a real passion for human resources. She is known for her listening skills and her ability to identify clients’ needs.

Fascinated by consumer behaviour, she joined Chanel’s marketing team, developing her brand management and merchandising skills. Motivated to broaden her horizons, she then joined the sales management team, where she ensured the performance of major retail accounts throughout the province of Quebec. Her successful experiences in managing people and key clients motivated her to move towards recruitment in 2017.

Senior advisor in management and talent acquisition for La tête Chercheuse since February 2021, Marie-Michèle’s motivation is to make the best employee/employer matches, ensuring an impeccable fit in terms of each person’s values. In addition, she seeks to offer a rewarding experience to her candidates and aims for the complete satisfaction of the organizations with which she collaborates.