Cette section est réservée aux membres du RQD
Version française


5:00PM to 7:30PM

Édifice Wilder - Café-bar - Montréal



You will be informed of the new date.

English or French: Does language impact the development of a dance career?


In collaboration with ELAN (English-Language Arts Network), the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) is pleased to invite you to a bilingual* panel discussion exploring language and dance.

This panel will consider similarities and nuances between English and French in relation to: dance education and recorded histories of the discipline, processes of creation, working dynamics and power distribution, access to resources, dissemination and audience, and relationships to institutions.

Moderated by Philip Szporer, four panelists, Bailey Eng, Helen Simard, Roger Sinha and Jamie Wright, will engage with these questions through exploration of their own experiences in the dance community. The panel will be followed by a question period, as well as time to informally network and continue the conversation over a drink. Don’t miss this opportunitiy to connect with your peers, meet other dancers and to re-connect linguistic solitudes!

* If you are unilingual, we will identify for you bilingual individuals who will be able to whisper the translation.

Note: Panelists are speaking from their individual lived experiences as artists navigating both English and French artistic communities in Quebec. However, they are not representatives of any linguistic community.

  • Open to all dance students and professionals
  • Cash bar

Thank you to Agora de la danse and Tangente for hosting us!