Cette section est réservée aux membres du RQD
Version française

35th Rendez-vous annuel des membres

Circuit-Est, 2022, rue Sherbrooke Est, Montréal



Friday, October 25

1:30 p.m. | Registration
2 p.m. | Annual General Meeting
5 p.m. | 5 à 7

Saturday, October 26

9 a.m. | Reception and registration

9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Workshop on the Digital Shift in the Dance Community
Digital technologies have brought about major transformations in the dance community. In light of the issues and opportunities identified by the community, this workshop will give us the opportunity to identify courses of action for the years ahead. To help us prepare the workshop, we invite you to complete this short questionnaire.

12:30 p.m. | Lunch**

1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. | Workshop on the Decolonization of the Term “Choreographic Art” *
How should choreographic art be defined in 2019? How can the “Western-centric” vision upon which it is based be broadened in order to bring down the systemic barriers that continue to prevent so many dance professionals from realizing their full potential? The RQD invites you to share your perspectives on these fundamental questions. Presented in the form of a talking circle, the workshop will offer equal sharing of speaking time based on the principle of “embodied talk” developed by researcher Camille Renarhd. It will allow dance professionals to express themselves verbally and to put their thoughts, comments and wishes down on cards that the RQD will collect and review in order to guide future actions in favour of a more inclusive dance community.


New: Find your documents in your Member area (Espace membre)!

Attention: If you have not yet renewed your membership, please do so before you register for the RDV annuel des membres.

*Information about the workshop updated on October 17, 2019.

**Deadline to register and order a lunch: Monday, October 21