Legal Structures for Artist Collectives – Repaire
A short and very useful course to learn about possible legal structures for artist collectives
Advance registration required (before February 17, 2023)
Offered in French only
The session is designed for artists working together to create shared artistic projects. Artists working collectively are often curious about possible legal structures to create, sustain or manage their work.
This three (3) hour, stand-alone module is the first of a two-part course. You can register for one or both, depending on your needs.
Learning Objectives
- Identify different legal structures to run a collective.
- Understand how this impacts taxation on grants and other revenues.
- Understand how to process GST and PST on expenses and income.
- Understand tax form requirements.
Member of the Quebec Chartered Professional Accountant Order since 2004, Philippe Beaulieu (MBA, CPA auditor, CA) runs his own artistic management firm offering administrative support and tax advice for artists and cultural workers. He is also a lecturer at l’École de comptabilité of Laval University and at the Département des sciences de la gestion at the Université du Québec à Rimouski, at the Lévis campus.
Contact Maude Thibault Morin
Training Coordinator
514 527-5116
A few places are offered for RQD members. Register before February 17.
Repaire’s registration form
This training is offered by the Regroupement de pairs des arts indépendants de recherche et d’expérimentation (Repaire), in collaboration with the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD), the Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ), the Regroupement des arts interdisciplinaires du Québec (RAIQ) and En Piste, regroupement national des arts du cirque. It is made possible through financial support from the Gouvernement du Québec and Compétence Culture, comité sectoriel de main-d’œuvre en culture, as well as the support of the Conseil de la formation continue Arts et culture de l’île-de-Montréal (CFC).