Raising Our Game: a discussion on rates, contracts and hybrid work with CADA/West
Artists, producers, teachers… we invite you to set the new rates for your dance work. We’re also interested to hear about your experiences working in-person and online during the pandemic. With new emergent forms of creating and performing, we need new guidelines towards establishing more fair, safe and inclusive working environments. At this hybrd in-person and online event, we encourage you to bring forward your experiences and aspirations to help shape our programs.
Nov 28, 1pm PST: register
Online via Zoom. In-person at Morrow is FULL/at capacity.
Outline of events
- 1-1:15pm introductory remarks, land acknowledgements and housekeeping
- 1:15-1:25pm presentation on living wages, artist fees and what CADA/West is doing
- 1:25-1:40pm 3 Breakout Rooms (those attending in person will automatically be in The Main Stage discussion unless they want to connect to a Zoom breakout room on a personal device)
- Find Your Support System: new and emerging artists info.
- Be Your Best Advocate: contracts and negotiating rates.
- The Main Stage: where to push the dial on setting new standards for CADA/West.
- 1:40-1:55pm Closing the Gap: next steps for ensuring a solid foundation for CADA/West members.
- 2pm Raising Our Game ends. Segues into Kinesthetic Strike, a panel discussion on practices of care and relationship building in our industry, register via The Dance Centre.
What to expect: the event is “hybrid” so there is a very small group of people attending live at Morrow. Another 25 attendees are expected to attend on Zoom. We have members from 4 provinces attending and an interesting mix of careers!
What to bring:Your experiences and how you resolved issues (or didn’t). Your expectations for services or programs that you think might benefit your career and the careers of other artists. If you have something specific that you’re looking for information on, please email us in advance so that we can prepare information for you.
As always, we really love connecting with the membership and invite your feedback. See you Sunday!
Produced by CADA/West staff in partnership with the CDA and Morrow/Dumb Instrument Dance.