Cette section est réservée aux membres du RQD
Version française



Our mission is to contribute to the evolution of dance practices and contemporary creation by supporting artists through research, creation, production and/or presentation.


  • Danse-Cité accompanies artists as they develop and unfold their artistic process, from the inception of an idea to its presentation before an audience;

  • Danse-Cité is invested in self-critical and sustainable structural work to become an organization that understands power and respects the dignity and self-determination of the humans, artists, and cultural workers with whom it comes into contact no matter the origin, ethnicity, gender, ability, size, religion, and age;

  • Danse-Cité supports the emergence of new authorship, a diversity of practices and backgrounds, the maturing of artistic processes as well as the meeting and integration of other disciplinary practices;

  • Danse-Cité is developing activities that facilitate universal access to the arts.
