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Karine Cloutier

Chorégraphe, Enseignant.e, Interprète, Travailleur.se culturel.le

Karine Cloutier is a joy coach. It comes in different parts: choreographer, performer, coach, artistic coach and cultural mediator. She completed a Bachelor's degree in dance, performance component at UQAM in 2002. In 2001, she went to the island of Bali in Indonesia to learn Balinese dance. Since then, she has interpreted the work of various Montreal choreographers and produced her own solo show K-Solo in 2003, working on the development of the Non-Toxik Project, a non-harmful encounter with contemporary dance. A project aimed at young people aged 7 to 77 who wish to try the experience of contemporary dance in collaboration with Mathieu Campeau. In May 2006, she went to Burkina Faso for the first time with the organization Jeunesse du monde where she worked with Cirque du monde where she supervised circus instructors, taught notions of contemporary dance and learned certain African dances. Inspired by her stays in Burkina Faso, she has been offering since 2008, through the Artists at School program, exploratory workshops across Quebec and solos where she creates bridges between cultures through her cultural mediation project "Bonne arrived, faire like at your place!". She worked as an artistic trainer for Cirque du Soleil from 2008 to 2018. She co-created and led the Afro-contemporary dance workshops mom-baby and Dance in the family as part of the cultural mediation projects organized and offered by Petits happiness, the cultural meeting place for 0 to 6 year olds from 2008 to 2016. In 2018, she shared her work with early childhood by co-creating Jardin des Tambours, a show combining dance and percussion for 18 month-3 year olds. Dance weaves the backstory of all its current offerings.