Digital Co-development in Dance – CANCELED
Join forces with a group of dance professionals just like you and increase your knowledge, get advice, and share your digital skills!
Prior Registration Required (Deadline: October 29)
Feeling a bit lonely dealing with the challenges that digital technology brings to your professional practice? Are you experiencing an issue or developing a project related to digital technology and would benefit from the advice and expertise of your peers to get started?
Experience a flexible and user-friendly learning experience that combines a co-development approach with input from experts. Join a group of like-minded individuals looking to improve their digital knowledge, skills and practices over the course of 10 structured meetings.
A Unique and Personalized Training Experience
A typical co-development workshop consists of a guided problem-solving exercise conducted by a specialist in the field. The specialist is tasked with providing guidance to group members and helping them meet their objectives by encouraging listening, collective reflection, and the sharing of expertise.
At each meeting, a participant will present his or her own digital challenge and then define their needs. The other group members will offer ideas, tips and strategies that may help. Based on these recommendations, the applicant will then identify an action that he/she commits to carry out before the next meeting, at which point he/she will share the results of his/her action, feeding the group with the learning he/she has acquired.
This training program will feature eight (8) co-development workshops, one workshop per group member. This way, each participant will have the opportunity to bring a concern related to digital technology before the group, to receive suggestions from their peers, and to act as a “consultant” to fellow group members.
Among these eight (8) workshops, three (3) will host experts who, in addition to actively participating in the co-development process, will offer a presentation aimed at furthering the theme of the day.
Complementary meetings
Before diving into the eight (8) co-development workshops, you will be invited to a preparatory meeting to define the eight (8) digital themes that will be addressed during the process and to identify the three (3) themes that will be explored more thoroughly by digital experts. The co-development class will conclude with a final debriefing.
Who should attend this training?
Artists, cultural workers, and managers in dance, self-employed or employed.
- Meet a problem or have a project related to digital technology in your professional practice.
- Be willing to participate in all scheduled meetings and to take concrete action on your digital issue or project during the class.
Detailed Schedule
This 30-hour-long class will take place entirely via videoconference between September 30, 2021 and June 17, 2022. A total of 10 meetings are planned, which will be held approximately once a month, according to a schedule set by the group members.
Ananda Dubé-Gauthier holds a degree in the Psychosociology of Human Relations from the Université du Québec à Rimouski. She is passionate about communities of practice, collaboration processes, collective intelligence, entrepreneurship, and innovation. After completing an internship on the project Exploration et cocréation: le numérique en tourisme et en culture au Bas-Saint-Laurent, she turned her attention to initiating, coordinating and facilitating exploration and professional co-development meetings focused on the implementation of digital skills and knowledge.
Prior Registration and Pre-Payment Required
- Fill out our registration form by October 29.
- Shortly after submitting your form, you will receive two emails: one from Services Québec asking you to complete your participant form, and the other from the RQD inviting you to make your payment via Interac e-transfer.
- Once you have completed your participant form and made your payment, you will receive the Zoom link to participate in the training.
Check your eligibility for the subsidized rate
This training offered by the Regroupement québécois de la danse is made possible thanks to financial support from the government of Quebec and Compétence Culture, the sectoral workforce committee responsible for culture.